Juicy pomegranate seeds, sweet mangos, crunchy green coral lettuce and creamy avocado… the freshness is real. This mango and pomegranate salad works perfect as both a side dish and as a meal in itself. Serve the salad in a large bowl or plate it up as delicious small servings.
Start by making the salad dressing. Note that this is not a liquid dressing that you easily pour over the salad – quite the opposite, the dressing is rather thick and creamy. If you think it is too thick however, feel free to add a little water to get the consistency you want.
Soak the cashew nuts in room temperature water for 1-2 hours (depending on how much time you have), make sure all cashews are covered with water while soaking. Then drain (remove water).
Once the salad dressing is done it is time to prepare the salad itself.
De-seed the pomegranate. To avoid a splash of rosy colored fruit juice all on your kitchen walls you can de-seed the pomegranate in a bowl of water.
As you chop the fruit and vegetables keep them in separate bowls/boxes until you are ready to put your salad together. Roughly chop the green coral lettuce and finely chop the spring onions. Cut the ripe mango and avocado into cubes (about 2×2 cm). And cut the cucumber into smaller cubes (about 2×2 cm).if you can`t find coral lettuce at your local market, good substitutes are other green salad types like iceberg- or romaine lettuce. I simply prefer using green coral lettuce because of it`s crispy texture.
In a large salad bowl, or on plates, layer the salad ingredients in this order: lettuce, cucumber, avocado, mango, pomegranate seeds, and then spring onion. This order really makes the colors pop.
Sprinkle some walnuts over your salad. Pour some creamy balsamico and dash some of the homemade dressing on your salad. If you have extra dressing you can serve this in a small bowl on the side.