lina elisabethe profile photo

Hello and welcome!

Welcome to my blog! I`m Lina Elisabeth – a recipe maker, hobby food photographer, and crochet enthusiast.

I have a passion for food and enjoy creating beautiful crochet pieces while listening to podcasts and audio books.

I love sharing my passions with you, and hope you find a lot of good food and new exciting projects on my page.

I am Norwegian and now live in Munich, Bavaria with my boyfriend and try to spend as much time as I can in the outdoors, cooking up delicous home made meals, and relaxing in a comfy chair with my latest crochet project and a good (audio) book.

My Story

Growing up, my mom always cooked up homemade dinners and my grandma has always been a master in the kitchen – especially when it comes to baking. I learned a lot from her and some of the recipes on my blog is a plant-based/vegan adaptation of her delicious creations. One thing I really take with me and try to always have in mind to this day is how to best prep for a meal. If it is possible to prep before the actual serving I will try my best to do so. My mom has hosted a number of dinners with guests through the years, and seeing how she would spend hours in the kitchen prepping for the big meal has really insipred me to try to do the same. The result is less stress and having more time to enjoy the actual party.

In my 20s I had my challenges with food and diet culture – and so I wish to also be an inspiration for a positive food culture. Food is an important part of our lives and something we should enjoy and have a positive mindset towards.

I do not eat exclusively plant-based, but I do try to keep most of my meals vegan and healthy. I wish to inspire others to enjoy a healthy, fun and active life and this is why I share these recipes on my site.

In the spring of 2023 I wanted to learn a new hobby, and landed on crocheting. I watched a ton of videos for beginners on YouTube. I have always loved creating special gifts and so crocheting has now become one of my favorite hobbies. I love to curl up on the couch, turn on a podcast or audiobook, and play with my creativity and patterns. I share my projects and patterns with you and hope you find inspiration in them.

I love that you are stopping by! I hope you find inspiration for new recipes, be it for food or your next crochet project – have fun and enjoy!