Preheat your oven to 140 degrees Celcius (284 degrees Fahrenheit).
Roughly chop the almonds and walnuts.
Add the apple juice, maple syrup, peanut butter and coconut oil to a small pot. Mix and warm up on low heat until the coconut oil has melted and the peanut butter has mostly dissolved into the mixture.
Add all the dry ingredients - except from the dry fruit and berries - to a large mixing bowl and mix well.
Add the warm wet ingredients to the large bowl with the dry ingredients and mix well. Then, leave the bowl on your kitchen counter for 5 minutes. This time allows the seeds and oatmeal to really soak up the liquid.
Cover a large baking sheet in parchment paper. Spread your granola mixture out in an even layer on the baking trey.
Place the baking trey with your granola mixture in the middle of the oven and set the timer to 60 minutes. Make sure to stir the mixture every 15 minutes.
Once done your granola should be golden brown. Let it cool down in room temperature (minimum of 30 minutes).
When your granola has cooled down mix in your choice of dried fruit and berries.
Store your granola in an airtight container like a mason jar for up to two weeks.